March 2019 WOTM final

A cracking month, with relative newcomer A.Mantra storming up the charts to become this month's WOTM - well done.  YB has kept closely on A.Mantra's tail, followed not far behind by Tonymc81.  In other news - Titus came in fourth!

Full list of subs below with tickers to be found in the chat room.


Bob the Builder Accused of Making Builders Appear Competent

Adrian Bamforth 

Lenny Henry accused of acting as ‘patronising saviour’ in Premier Inn ads


Barristers to conclude cross-examination with a mic drop

Becoming a government ‘trade dealer’ – A brief guide

Coffee shop tense after man produces Windows laptop instead of a MacBook

Delayed trains now to be described as ‘fashionably late’

Elderly man on park bench actually an MI6 agent

Family holiday in peril after Facebook posts receive lukewarm response

How to run your family business like a mafia boss – A handy guide

Hungover man barely holding it together in Ikea

Inquiry launched into ‘prolonged toweling’ by men in changing rooms

Man believes yellow fuel warning light is ‘just a suggestion’

Man buys fishing waders instead of milk from Aldi

Man on first date inexplicably asks for wine list

Man pushing double-buggy on parkrun ‘racking up serious body-count’

Man who hogged middle-lane given jail term

May to replace meaningful vote with trial by combat

May: ‘UK could still have to take part in Eurovision’

Woman held captive by WhatsApp Group


‘I’ve been booted out of my job’, says man who’d handed in and served his notice


Government allowed to change their mind on Brexit bill, but not British people


Devizes man looking forward to not voting again


4-hour A&E target replaced with ‘survival of the fittest’

Britbox talks collapse over Ant and Dec involvement

DUP expecting ‘May’s deal’ to include the ‘mother of all magic trees’

Escape to the Country in social media storm

May: ‘I had personality bypass surgery’

National Lottery and Waitrose announce new joint initiative

Sitcom star to star in sitcom

Super saleswoman ‘Surly Shirley’ receives top retail award

UK music shops introduce ban on popular guitar audition pieces


Chris Grayling to abstain from cock ups for Lent

Man described as legend actually doing fairly mundane things

Mate insisting on referring to basic cookery tips as ‘food hacking’

PM seeks Nickelback’s advice on making same old shite appear different


Man who randomly called ‘heads’ now willing to defend his decision to the death

Dick Everyman 

Shock as customer leaves banana bunch intact


Office worker still unsure whether to talk about rugby or football today


Getting a new Earl – just like ‘winning the lottery’, says humble peasant-folk of Forfar

May rejects link between dead greenhouse plants and lack of water


EU Leaders agree extension until “just after May leaves”

Hindari Banga 

May seeks to resolve problems with “megavote”

Mick Turate 

Grayling in second sensational space deal with Seaborne

Milo Shame 

Daniel Day Lewis to take lead in Karen Bradley Biopic

Meaningful vote three to be renamed Jennifer


Teenager refuses to go out without a nice umbrella

Newsbiscuit Editorial Team  

April Fools’ Day to coincide with Brexit

New study claims Gandalf and Dumbledore are one and the same person

PM to get MPs to vote on each individual word in her deal

Sajid Javid to strip UK brides of EU citizenship


Arlene Foster ‘window shopping for expensive new handbag.’

Backstop provision to merge with offside rule

Grayling and Bradley: The Podcast

Shit Creek paddle company ‘liquidated’


Billy Brittain’s three-year mid-life crisis still dragging on

Soap fans divided over plans to kill off ‘Theresa May’ character


Man unwittingly ushers in spring by eating the last of the Christmas Twiglets


MPs reject the absence of denial of a deal-less Brexit

Sir Lupus 

Barista applies for tax exemption for ‘performing a persona’ at work


20 days later and hopes are fading fast of finding The Independent Group alive

Brexit is an anagram of Brexit

Brexit – was all a dream

Last General Election ‘Did Not Really Count’

Remainers favour a Grayling Brexit


Brexit ‘turd’ set for Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth

Christmas may be delayed or never happen warns Theresa May

Electoral Commission to investigate bloke down the pub.

Enough is enough, say Brexiteers

Gordon Ramsay’s to be awarded first Domestos star

‘I’m a Belieber’ says Vicar

Jobs for the Boys

Leavers plan Sunderland street party for March 29th

No nooky for Rees-Mogg during Lent

One of our MPs is missing

Police Chiefs take Chancellor’s advice


May can’t even resign properly

Mueller concludes no Russian collusion, voters are ‘just dumb’

Momo video was just Chris Grayling explaining Brexit

Pentagon border wall to have ‘frickin lasers!’

Shock as anti-depressant use ONLY doubles
Success, as 3 million of the 16 million original remainers still support remain

Tom Watson asks for your kitten pics

Woman breaks and finally joins Amazon Prime


Amber Rudd apologises for not using correct term ‘person of darkness’

BBC accidentally shows Good Morning Britain pilot instead of new Alan Partridge show

Celeb ruins branded product by actually having something to do with making it

Film classification now to include pretentiousness rating

Having voted to ban umbrellas, MPs vote for it not to rain

Heroin now legal if sold with slogan “When the fun stops, stop”

Karen Bradley: ‘I didn’t realise Northern Ireland was in the north of Ireland’

New John Le Carre thriller to be called ‘Tinker, Tailor, Unemployed, Deliveroo’

Number of black senior police officers now as high as in 70’s TV shows

People who are actually ill preventing the elderly from seeing doctors

People’s vote only for people who can pronounce “quinoa”

Rugby player realises bizarre sideways run-up to kick ball is a stupid idea

Starving African boy complains of ‘white saviour narrative’


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