WOTM Nov 2020 mid month
Doctor Chutney is on top form this month, with a clear lead but being chased by Wren and the Big O. It's a short month, so anyone hoping to steal from the good doctor had better get writing. antharrison Trump accidentally and repeatedly sues himself Chipchas e Boris: “hands – knees & boomps-a-daisy is new UK slogan in battle against virus” Chrisf Cummings’ cardboard box nailed on for best supporting actor award DavidH Bank of England releases 150 billion sheets of loo paper Prius completes left turn in under three hours Which self-empowering resolutions will you ditch two days into lockdown? Deceangli Trump to star in Home Alone 5 US election: results might be in before first Mars landing Vaccine: Britain orders 1 trillion doses from dormant company in Liechtenstein Deimos Biden frantically looking for expert to teach him “Twitter” Doctor Chutney Doubts cast on action man’s military record: “not a model soldier” Home Secretary raises g...