
Showing posts from August, 2018

August 18 WOTM final

Well it was a photo finish of sorts, with Chip romping in on 33 points, hounded by relative newbie Myke on 32.  Thanks to the Wren Rule, that no contributor can win the WOTM competition two month on the bounce it means that Myke is our new WOTM - congrats to Myke, a terrific start. Titus, although a fair way behind in third place, has had one of his strongest months yet - well done Titus.  Congrats to everyone else who has contributed and placed. The full list of FP, NiB and LA links is reproduced below and the full list of tickers will be listed on the thread in the chat room. A. L. Shaw  England to appeal ‘no deal’ World Cup loss apepper  Discovery of Welsh skeletons at Stonehenge “proves Wales was a dump even then” Drought reveals ancient henge in Wales and glimpse of Johnson’s integrity Man’s fury at incorrect number plate in Ant-Man and the Wasp Benvoleo  No-deal Brexit breaks EU laws, say MPs giving up UK’s right to take ...