May 2018 WOTM final result
Congratulations to DavidH for topping the leaderboard this month. A really strong suite of subs for David against strong opposition from Wren, Syd, Daneade, Chip, Dom and Mac. Well done all. As usual all the posts that have made front page, nes in brief and left alert this month are listed below as hyperlinks, and the full list of 105 tickers is listed on the Chat Room thread. Benvoleo May leaves polling booth without voting, saying she’ll decide in a few days time Bravenewmalden Skateboarder in bid to find man who witnessed successful trick Chipchase Bloke you meet in office kitchen every day is sapping your will to liv e Heston Blumenthal announces ‘Ultimate Deconstruction Dining’ ‘It’s brand new… it’s Brexitroo’ – delivered daily directly to your door ‘It’s too warm!’ Heatwave sees OAPs stretch A&E Departments to breaking-point Man to sue after encountering ‘ghastly and common people’ on Caribbean cruise Ministers move to ban ludi...